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Developing and testing an online collaborative foresight tool for land use and transport planning: the «SIM4PLAN» prototype

Ariza-Álvarez, A. Shurupov, N., Aguilera-Benavente, F., Pérez-Docampo, M., Martin-Ramos, B., Gomez-Delgado, M., & Soria-Lara, J.A. Developing and testing an online collaborative foresight tool for land use and transport planning: the «SIM4PLAN» prototype. Sustainable Cities and Society. (Enviado junio 2024)


Participatory mapping in exploratory scenario planning: Necessty or luxury?

Ariza-Álvarez, A & Soria-Lara, J.A (2024). Participatory mapping in exploratory scenario planning: Necessty or luxury? Futures, Futures 160, 103398.

Re-thinking the role of exploratory scenarios for adaptive policymaking: An application for land use and transport planning.

Ariza-Álvarez, A., Soria-Lara, J. A., & Aguilera-Benavente, F.(2023). Re-thinking the role of exploratory scenarios for adaptive policymaking: An application for land use and transport planning. Futures, 149, 103139. Editorial: Elsevier.

Combining a land parcel cellular automatarguments as Tools for Assessing Images of Transport in Urban Planning

Molinero-Parejo, R., Aguilera-Benavente, F., Gómez-Delgado, M., & Shurupov, N. (2023). Combining a land parcel cellular automata (LP-CA) model with participatory approaches in the simulation of disruptive future scenarios of urban land use change. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems99, 101895.

Clasificador Catastral: complemento de QGIS para la clasificación de los usos del suelo urbano a nivel de parcela

Shurupov, N., Molinero-Parejo, R., Rodriguez-Espinosa, V. M. y Aguilera-Benavente, F. (2023). Clasificador Catastral: complemento de QGIS para la clasificación de los usos del suelo urbano a nivel de parcela. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, (97).

Planning Adaptive Strategies for Urban Transport and Land Use using Scenario-Building

Ariza-Álvarez, A., Soria-Lara, J. A., & Aguilera-Benavente, F. (2022). Planning adaptive strategies for urban transport and land use using scenario-building. Transportation research procedia, 60, 274-28

A participatory scenario building application for greener, smarter, and healthier cities: the case of Madrid

Nunez Corcuera, B., Navarro-Ligero, M. L., Boldo, E., Sarigiannis, D., Gotti, A., Garcia Dos Santos, S., & Soria-Lara, J. A. (2022). A PARTICIPATORY SCENARIO BUILDING APPLICATION FOR GREENER, SMARTER, AND HEALTHIER CITIES: THE CASE OF MADRID, SPAIN. FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN31(8 A), 8303-8308.

Arguments as Tools for Assessing Images of Transport in Urban Planning

Navarro-Ligero, M. L., & Valenzuela-Montes, L. M. (2022). Arguments as Tools for Assessing Images of Transport in Urban Planning. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 0739456X221111755.

Scenario archetypes in urban transport planning: Insights from the implementation of LRT systems

Navarro-Ligero, M. L., & Valenzuela-Montes, L. M. (2022). Scenario archetypes in urban transport planning: Insights from the implementation of LRT systems. Transport Policy118, 152-164.

Strategic scenario building for planning energy resources: The case of Araucania, Chile

Sanhueza-Aros, J., Soria-Lara, J. A., & Peña-Cortés, F. (2022). Strategic scenario building for planning energy resources: The case of Araucania, Chile. Futures141, 102968.